Talking about the
Power of Food
Publications and Blog Articles by Marci Moreau
Spring Super Foods
Most people get pretty excited about the spring equinox bringing us out of the darkness and into the light. More sunshine, longer days, warmer weather, and the first buds of nature deliver flowering landscapes, bunnies, and baby chicks. Everywhere you look is a symbol of life. And when you are in love with food, the symbols are even more promising.
The Power of a New Year
A new year always seems to bring us the energy to hope more, grow more, and quite simply, be more. For me, there is nothing more empowering than the promise of a new beginning, second chances, or a fresh opportunity to do life better. And when we combine this energy with food, we can make ourselves, and the world, a much better place.
The Power of Food
You can call it nutritional neuroscience, neuronutrition or nutritional psychology, but I like to call it exactly what it is: the power of food. Emerging research is exploring the impact of food on the brain and mental health. Science is examining various components of the diet, and finding connections between food with an optimal nutritional profile and healthier, happier brains.